Monday, April 7, 2008

why "Akbar" in my name?

I feel and percieve india's diversity till core of my heart. Among the rulers i feel only few people have even tried to be larger enough to over come the diversity across India. To start with probably it was lord Rama. After that probably it was Chankya and Mauryas who established the "Indian empire" for the first time. After that it could have been Shershah who could rule India only for 10 years. Following that it was "Akbar" the great. "Akbar" itself means great. After "Akbar" it was Gandhi. And afater Gandhi we are yet to get some one. I am trying to fill the vacancy.
Among all the above mentioned names "Akbar" sounds greatest to me as he belonged to a group which was relatively alien to the part of the land, was having very strong dictations regarading life . . . . . . so on and so forth. But "Akbar" the great could overcome all these and managed to keep the country intact for 63 long years . . . .

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