Monday, April 7, 2008

Bhumihars- near past, present and future

Bhumihars have palyed major role in development of society in the 19th century and eaarly years of 20th century. To name a few Mangal Pandey, Swaami Sahajananda Saraswati, Acharya Chatrusen, Ramadhari Singh Dinakar . . . . . . . but after the rule of Sri Krishna Singh in Bihar due to high handed attitude of Mahesh Prasad Singh, Bhumihars started suffering setbacks. First was severe anti campaign by the media against Mahesh Prasad Singh who was the most eligible cnqaadidate for the chief ministership of Bihar. It was not that after that no one from Bhumihars could ever become Bhumihar, they coudnot maintain their strength. Actualy speaking after Sri Krishna Singh, there have been no mass leader in Bihar do something good for Bihar.
At present most of Bhumihar youths take pride in discussing their past. Fact is that they don't have the substance of Sri Krishna Singh . . . If some one among them will have . . . . . they have everything to be the best. so future lies in the hard work . . . .

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