Wednesday, June 8, 2011

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानव गौरव संस्था

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानव गौरव संस्था

International Human Pride Organisation

Aims and Purposes of the organization



उद्देश्य – शिक्षा (हुनर), स्वास्थ्य तथा सामाजिक और राष्ट्रिय दायित्व का विकास

Activities क्रियाकलाप –

1.      To popularize and provide education and training regarding skill of life saving importance like basic life support maneuvers (like cardiopulmonary resuscitation, swimming), first aid techniques during accidents, trauma (head injury, spinal injury, multiple injuries), sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack and natural or manmade calamities like earth quake, mass casualties.

2.      To popularize and provide education and training regarding skill of life saving importance like handling the technical instruments during emergencies.

3.      To organize free/ partly paid but reasonably cheap medical camps in rural areas or even in urban areas related to the services which are not available in the area.

4.      To organize educational programs to help the physically challenged people, old age people and orphans.

5.      To organize educational programs aimed at spreading patriotism, environmental awareness, development of the lower sections of the society and women development.

6.      To organize educational programs in tribal areas which are not yet in the mainstream of the society and the country.

7.      To establish, manage, maintain and run technical and non technical educational institutions, reading rooms, common rooms, libraries, and hostel for boys and girls, Residential Public School, minority school especially in the remote areas.

8.      To spread education in our country especially in the remote areas.

9.      To spread the information regarding common infectious and non infectious diseases like AIDS, CANCER, diabetes, coronary artery diseases, KALAZAR, T.B, LEPROSY and run counseling program and awareness program in the society.

10.  To organize de-addiction clinics and facilities for people addicted to alcoholism, smoking, or other drugs.

11.  To provide books and other articles needed for education.

12.  To run development program for child labor and manage the child labor schools.

13.  To provide economic help to orphans of the community so that they can stand on their own and become a good citizen of the nation.

14.  To promote renewable energy sources like solar energy system, bio gas energy system and others in rural and urban areas by providing information and expertise in the related areas.

15.  To print, publish and distribute reports and studies or brochures related with science and technology and other issues related to the aims of our society wholly or partially.

16.  To gain relief to /for the people affected by war earth quake communal violence fire famine and other natural or manmade calamities.

17.  To take survey and assess the air, water, and other pollution, arouse mass awareness regarding environmental pollution and to encourage forestation.

18.  The society will strive for preservation of our native medicine, art, science and culture by awareness, literature and legislature.

19.  The society will help people/ organization to find the scientific basis according to the modern science for our native medicine, art and customs by providing information, legal support regarding intellectual rights and financial support.

20.  The organization will work for development of rural, urban and tribal area people of all communities without cast, creed or sex in the field of the education, health awareness, sanitation, cultural development, socio economic development and problem of unemployment.

(१)    शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूकता और शिक्षा की सुविधा और उसके मौके को बढाने, उपलब्ध मौके कि जानकारी तथा सुगम बनाने कि कोशिश. –


(२)    स्फ्घ्स  व्ग्फ़ वघ

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