Jerusalem mosque is considered to be the place where messenger muhammed had descended down after a heaven tour!
leave other countries . .
Our own Karunanidhi is worried that birth place of Cholas is not known . . . . But I know few other informations about the contemporary King - the Emperor Ashoka the great -
ASHOKA had a rough face - due to POX
No girl wanted to marry HIM . . .
AGAM KUAN (the well of unmeasured depth) still exists - where he used to kill all his opponents including the girls who refused to marry him!
If interested to visit . . . tell me!
Manish Kumar--- On Sun, 3/10/10, Sudhir Kumar
From: Sudhir Kumar
More Birth-Places To Be Determined In a lighter vein, with malice towards none, and with utmost respectfor the Law of the Land:Now that it is clear that Hon'ble Allahabad High Court, including itsLucknow Bench, has taken upon itself the onerous task of identifyingthe exact square metre pieces of land on this earth where mythical,legendary, folklore and imaginary persona were born (!!!), whom thepeople believe to have been born, as a result of their religiousfaith, or otherwise, without first fixing and laying down as per lawas to when that event happened, if it ever happened, and as to whetherthe mythical persona did ever exist as a human being, as believed bythe people, or not, and as to whether the particular myth, the legend,or the folklore regarding a King Rama was copied in India fromThailand's similarly named ancient City of Ayodhya, or the Thaisborrowed the myth, the legend, and the folklore, and the Ayodhya (!!!)from India couple of thousand years ago, we can expect some more path-breaking judgments from the Hon'ble High Court in this series.It is reliably learnt that a few more countries have shown interest inavailing of this expertise of Hon'ble Allahabad High Court, and, withrequests for waiver of un-necessary legal issues like jurisdiction, afew more suits are going to be filed soon, specially from Greece,before the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court, praying for thedetermination of the exact square metre pieces of land on the face ofthis Earth where some of the Western mythical, legendary and folklorepersona, like their numerous Greek Gods (like Jupiter), were actuallyborn, if they were ever born !!!After that, it is reliably learnt that some people from a not soancient country, the U.S. of A., which lacks a history ancient enoughto be able to confer upon their mythical /legendary/ folklore heroesthe status of Gods, may also perhaps file similar suits, praying forthe determination by Hon'ble Allahabad High Court of the exact squaremetre pieces of land on this Earth where their comparatively recentlyimagined/ born/ created Heroes like Superman, Spiderman, Batman,Phantom etc. were actually born, if they were ever born !!!Seems like the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court is going to keep itselfvery busy in the 21st Century, determining birth- places of peopleborn, or supposed to have been born, or believed to have been born, asa matter of faith, in the last couple of thousand years, beforeChrist, as well as after Christ. We can only request the Executive,the Government of India, to assist the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court inthis onerous task, by sanctioning some more positions of Hon'bleJudges, both at the Allahabad and Lucknow benches of the Hon'ble HighCourt, and then request the Hon'ble Chief Justice of India, andCollegium of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, to include ancient History asan additional essential qualification, apart from the Ll. B., for theJudges to be appointed to the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court !! May theGods be with them !!Sudhir Kumar
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