I respect him for many reasons. Not just the verdict, while writing the verdict his 250 odd pages are worth reading.
He has been the most precise, yet the most impressive!
His perception of the Muslim community vis a vis India is fantastic.
Ayodhya's Ramajanm bhoomi- babari mosque is still alive because it has such an importance! Otherwise it might have died as other issues!
And as wisely appreciated by him as well, I appreciate the greatness of the contemporary muslims and muslim cleriks who accepted the excesses done and allowed the Hindus to pray inside the mosque 500 years ago! Otherwise Hindus could have never been able to do it!
I bow my heads to those great souls . . . and to you!
With all due respect I want to send these few words to clarify his questions and to all those involved in this issue-
about while writing RAMACHARITMANAS why Tulasidas did not mention the issue of demolition of the temple -
"after roaming from gate to gate whole day, if could get 4 grains in begging and that too of bengal gram, I would feel I have got all the 4 "PHAL" (ARTHA (property), KAAM (sex), DHARMA (. . . ?religion) and MOKSHA (freedom from birth and death))!"
Thats just an indication.
And in my memory I have not heard even a single word in any of his writings other than this.
And, with my father, I am having adequate knowledge about the Hindi literature . . . specialy about Tulasidas.
Obviously, I have a degree only in Medicine not in literature.
Still, if one can give any more examples of Tulasidas writing about the contemporary society, I would never appear on any public forum on net or in real.
Why only Tulasidas, none of his contemporary writers like Meera Bai (did she mention ever about Prithvi Raj Chauhan? About Maharana pratap bravery or cowardishness), Surdas, not even Kabir Das!
But one thing is sure, it was only during the 150 years of Mooughal specialy only 2 of them - Akbar and Shahjahan that all these 4 people excelled!
Why after Kalidas . . . Chand Bardai . . . and such a long gape?
Was there no one to write about sufferings of the masses at that time? Was there no sufferings for the masses at that time?
No! The sufferings end today or tomorrow. And those who make them the only issues, are forgotten! Sooner than later! Thats the world! Tell me one exception. I will give you one example - see how fast PREMCHAND is disapearing from the bookstalls!
So, To Justice Khan and all others, humbly and respectfully my lord!
And all my loving brothers!
Not only those who forget the past, only those who dont leave the bitter things for the future to remember /guess, could cross the boundary of time and geography in this world.. . .
does any one remember who were the people exactly involved in constructing the mosque - yes, but does any one remember who was the first to claim it to be a temple? No! But the issue exists! Because of its nature! Those who were its perpetrators got lost and will be lost . . . on the sands of time. Very soon . . . very - very soon!
My Lord, Hinduism has not been under attack for just last few hundred years. It has been under attack since birth of Budhdhism in written history and probably from the time of its own existence by "SHRAMANS" philosphicaly. But Hidus have had revivals . . . after every upheaval. And every time they have forgiven and forgot the past! ??? Because no one left the bitter story for the future to remember. Or those who did otherwise were forgotten!
And Gandhi's non violence succeeded not because other thoughts were baseless, because with poor, suppressed masses of India, the non violent way of protest suits well! Tulasidas would not had been dolt enough to not to appreciate the needlessness to provoke the mass by reminding them of the burning issues!
That is what a father does when his son has to go for studies for better future!
At present if a person is getting a good job and joins the aristocratic society, he wants to overhaul his parent outlook! Or else forget them! So much so that courts have to interfere now!
Then what about those who are creating the issues at present?
It is not an unprecedented situation.
Politicians will sell their daughters if thats the way left for their survival! Universal . . . worldwide!
Even in USA!
The fact that the controversial site was burning for last 60 years is the best example!
If politicians were sincere, they could have solved it easily and earlier. And politicians include not only MPs and Ministers, even the officers and lawyers of different organisations . . . trusts . . . are doing politics . . . to exploit the common mass, their emotions to imrove their prospects.
So, is it related with Hinduism?
No, it has got multiple leases of life absolutely due to need of pliticians! Of different types!
The purly religious activity was only one - that the muslim clerik allowed the Hindu prayers . . . and the Hindus entered the mosque maintaining its sanctity.. . .
There are so many other mosques side by side of the temple in this country, in no other mosque hindus rally to pray . . . not even to other mosques of Ayodhya! I personaly know the relationship of the Kashi Vishva Nath temple and the Mosaque besides it - I was guided to the location by a Muslim Clerik only . . . Still mosques at other places have no such history of dual existence!
I accept your conclusion that demolition of any temple to construct the mosque could not be proved. But still this "issue" remained in the heart of the masses for 5 centuries . . . without Tulasidas even mentioning it!. . . Is that something to do with Hinduism?
Thats for the Hindus to ponder about!
Manish Kumar
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