Human civilizations across the world has seen many changes. Some times even called as 'revolutions'. Only few times they have been guided by some principle. The most important ones being Islam and Communism. India or better to say Indian subcontinent or north Himalayan nations, is the only region in this world which has survived all thses changes. We have always selected the good things from every change and left the bad things.
Islam is a religion with maximum devotion and dedication. It teaches to lay the life for the sake of the almighty 'allah'. It says, Allah is the master and we are the servants . . . slaves! Allah commands us. But there are many more impractical and unrealistic issues associated with it. Most of them are not the dictates of Quran, but are the continuation of the mediaval culture of Arabia. Like Jajia Tax, Burqa for women . . . intolerance towards other religions is not exactly the teachings of Quran. Quran was dictated at times when life of the messenger himself was in threat. Basicaly Quran can be understood easily if you consider it as the teachings of a 'successful' and 'principled' army commander rather than a simple religious oration.
In relation to Kashmir, division of India on religious lines has left the whole north Himalayan region with lot of problems. Kashmiris should understand the fact that secular India cant afford any dilution in its Kashmir policy. Blood shed is the rsult of misunderstanding on the part of the Kashmiris (whatever be the %) that India is a weak nation and they can get out of it. . . .
The futility of all these riots and protests should be understood by the mass first. Leaders are as mentaly bankrupt as ever in all over the world. They will not accept or understand till there are people to die for them. But ultimately the innocent people lay their lives for thins which they dont undertand and ultimately they are the losers at every front. People must understand that they are fighting with a state and not with a person. And the perception of the state in general and about the Indian state in particular be clear. And about India, one thing I must tell them, we dont show what we are, we prove it, and will prove it. Kashmiris may feel that if Pakistan attacks, they will be the first ones to get out of India. They should first think whether its possible in present times. I dont think positively until a maverick like OSAMA is at the helm in Pakistan. Till that time they should wait and learn to live like human being in a civilized society which is far better than what they striving for. Or if they are so obcessed, they should go to Pakistan or wherever they want. If they want to live in India, they will have to forget that they can ever take the land out of India. If they dont understand it, its their fault.
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