I want to place a permanent invitation (humbly)/ challenge to all those involved in violence/ extreme activity of any kind excusing themselves taking refuge in some great writing may it be Das- Capital (naxals/ extremist communist) or Quran (jihadies/ Islamic terrorists) or any other.
Those involved in violent ways are not under full control of themselves! They have been misguided. I want to invite these people for a discussion. I want to challenge the people behind these misguided people and others who feel they are enlightened and are trying to justify the mindless, purposeless, counterproductive and unwarranted/ un- necessary activities of these people.
I know there are already devoted people doing it. But my situation is different because I know both sides of the society equally and I feel I can be the most honest, unbiased and realistic advisor to both the sides- the people in arms as well as the government/ administration/ establishment. I feel if luck wouldn’t have favored me, I would have been on the other side of the fence! I am glad that I am also socially and financially independent – don’t need to talk other’s language to run my family. I am also not greedy expecting infinite money and property. I am a qualified doctor trained in Neurosurgery. And I want to give back to the society.
Whom am I referring to?
Any one with arms and spreading violence.
I feel terms like “jihadies” or “naxalites” or “communists” are misnomers – these people are having no knowledge about Islam or communism or the messenger Mohammed or Karl Marx or even Mao. I am sure none of the great men of past would have justified the present ways of struggle/ Jihad by these people in present days’ situations. I know none of them have read them. And those who claim by it are just half baked people. I feel by looking at these present day unrest, any of the above mentioned people would have called it mere suicide/ homicide and nothing more than that. Not a revolution, not a jihad. Just mindless! I know people are ready to commit suicide to cause homicide. But then its just suicide and homicide and nothing else surely not a revolution, not a jihad.
I want to give some good suggestion to the misguided, misinformed people enlightened from the wrong side of the world and humanity and to our government/ establishment and to the civil society.
My advice is to read the great writings like Quran or Das Capital in toto and analyze them in proper context and entirety with wisdom intact. I repeat it again – they have not read the books/ principles which they refer. They just need to read and analyze more.
I challenge each and every one of them to come across and discuss the correctness of the ways of their struggle even as per the great writings which they claim that they are following or any other humanitarian principle/ theology. They can write to me or come and ask me or they can ask through the media. I am ready to reply and discuss and learn more and more from them and for them!
I feel basically propagation of such antisocial, mindless activity started with centuries of ignorance and wrong policies from the side of the establishment and recent increase in demand of land and other natural resources. Corruption of different types and greed are additional deficiency on the side of the mainstream society. And so, in the same breath, I want to talk from the side of the ignored people who are away from the mainstream and are being used by the selfish, short sighted leaders close to them.
I strongly feel that the grandiose statements like “we will finish them within 3 years or 5 years” or any time frame only reflects immaturity and ignorance. We are not at all prepared for that level of change at all. We need to employ more teachers and social workers than the police personnel to handle the situation. Helping through development is the only way out. Strengthening of our information system including intelligence is an urgent requirement. Our installations must be protected ferociously at the same time we should not venture in to the hornet’s nest without preparation. A less than 100% success on the side of establishment is unacceptable. Because we are rightly enlightened people enjoying the every possible comfort! We need to understand our responsibility and perform perfectly. A blanket bombing is the most foolish idea. If at all we need to fire, it should be so precise that neither a single bullet should go waste nor a single unwanted life is lost (including our lower most grade of employee)! I know it’s difficult, but before that we need to understand the difficulties of our people about which we have been ignorant for centuries and who are going to receive our mindless bullets! If we can’t do it perfectly, we should not venture! It may take decades to short it out but that’s the only way! If we do in haste, we will never be able to complete it!
I don’t know where to find these patients’ of mine who need urgent counseling. I will wait for them all through these days, till there is peace. And I wish the peace comes soon! I need you people’s co- operation to publicize my invitation cum challenge!
Thanking you-
Dr. Manish Kumar
7/7, bharathiyar street
Thiruvalluvar salai
Teynampet, Chennai
Tamilnadu, India.
Mobile- 9840267857
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