Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Land should be compensated

Now a days, despite of the "famous" land ceiling act of the government of India in place, companies acquire land. Because of this both the government and the companies are at odds with the masses . . . partly because of cheap politics also . . . But what makes the most important issue is, government and private companies are hell bent to "snatch" the lands at their cost! Can a famer argue that they will buy the medicine only at this price! Or he wants this brand of oil or cloth only at this price! Will government help them? Surely not. Most of my friends will brand me an impractical maverick or at least a joker. Then why some one should snatch the land of the farmers without their willingness? What is the logic behind continuing the land ceiling act any more?
I feel, if companies or government want land, they should buy that from the farmer on marcket price . . . as per the will and wish of the government. Land should be compensated, and must be compesared heavily as land is the only property . . . only real property in this world.

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