Saturday, September 27, 2008

Police mindset- Is muslim community responsible for its image?

It’s really sad and frustrating to have administrative behave in this way again and again. Its just irresponsibility and insensitivity. But to me, bigger frustration is poor response from the Muslim intelligentsia. I am deeply sad to find a clear absence of Muslim group who can come forward to blame the terrorist group for the troubles of the community equally. At least few top Muslim intellectuals can visit the effected areas! They can give collective statement to clarify that these terrorists are not doing any good to any one including Muslims! I don't mean that there is no resistance against the terror groups among the Muslim community but it’s weak and meek, too little for the size of the problem and the Muslim community. Basically the fundamentalists of both Hindu and Muslim groups just help each other! There are enough intellectuals among the Muslim community to make the society feel that there is a "large" and powerful group of Muslims against these shortcut ways of the terrorist groups. The excuse by the terrorist groups that they are responding to different injustice and other socio- politico- economico- administrative problems of our country specially pertaining to muslim community, must be played down by the majority and responsible muslim intelligentsia in the country up to the level to match the destruction (social) caused by the terror group. Which Muslims in our country are strong enough to do and they have been doing calmly and quietly as it’s obvious by the frustration of the terror groups. But should be loudly and adequate enough to be noticed easily. Till there is an obvious resistance against the antisocial groups in the Muslim community, police or people mindset will appear to be anti Muslim in a nut shell. It’s sad but that’s how it is.

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