Saturday, July 19, 2008

Communication with a patient

Respected Dr. i m suffering from back pain since 4 months. Actually, the Disc below L5 has slipped out & causing mild compression of S1 root (from MRI Test). Neuro & orthopaedic surgeons are telling that surgery is only the solution. Kindly suggest some alternate.Thanks.
My Reply
Do u have leg pain as well? If its only back ache, surgery may not be helpful .. . .
Please send me the MRI pictures, I can tell you better .. . . . . If surgery is necessary, its the simplest thing we as a neurosurgeon can do. Please come over to Chennai I can see and advice you in detail . .. . I can finish the surgery (if at all necessary) for just may be 25, 000 Rs.
Well my brother in law is at aligarh . . . .if want any help.

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